
Giftgivers That Go WHAM-BANG in the Night

*While I'm still finishing up some prose pieces, please enjoy this tidbit from my current summer adventure: house and pet sitting in a rural farm house*

‘Twas 3:30am…
When right in my ear there arose such a clatter!
I sprang from my pillow, all dream-sheep ascatter.
What a sight! My bleary eyes took in the scene:
A cat there suspended on my window screen.

Petite head and limbs first suggested this culprit a kitten
Until the hugely-swollen tummy belied my suspicion.
What on earth could she be after? A june bug? A mouse?
Pregnant Mama (and all her unborn) want back in the house.

Though momentarily startled by the cat and her womb,
I later realized this episode could spell future doom:
Mama Cat learned which window screen hides my bedroom.

KMR 7/4/2013, 3:36am
Based on a true story